Sanitation Presentation


Keeping disease free is very important and hard to accomplish in an emergency.  The following are some guidelines we don’t normally think about in our homes, but will need throughout an emergency:

1.     Always wear shoes.
2.    Train everyone to stay out of rivers, ditches, rain water.
3.    Cover toilets/latrines with screens or soil immediately.
4.    Wash hands after toilets, changing diapers/feminine products, touching pets or the ground.
5.    Prevent spreading of waste, blood, pus, fluids.
6.    Bury waste in tightly sealed containers at least 3 feet under packed ground and 200 feet from water supply or living/cooking areas.
7.    Burn paper, wood, cardboard only; save all else for later with a tight lid after double bagging.
8.    Drain garbage so it won’t stink; bury 18 inches deep to repel insects/animals.
9.    Do NOT flush or put anything in drains until you know sewer pipes are safe.

The following are some options for sanitation:

When using porta potties, put garbage liners in the bucket.  Put on seat.  If using gel, put it in now to absorb and deodorize.  Use and sprinkle kitty litter, chlorinated lime powder or liquid bleach over it.  Take off seat and put lid on bucket.  Leave area, wash hands, sanitize.  Clean seat with cleaner.

PORTA POTTY 1                                             PORTA POTTY 2
5 gallon bucket                                             6 gallon bucket with tight lid
seat with lid                                                  seat with lid
8 gallon size plastic garbage liners                 13 gallon plastic garbage liners
hand sanitizer or moist wipes                         baby wipes and hand sanitizer
air freshener                                                  cleaner/disinfectant in spray bottle
2-liter plastic bottle with kitty litter                 clean up gel
one roll paper towels                                     paper towels for after hand-washing
disposable gloves for removal                        disposable gloves for removal

2.     Chamber pots must be emptied after each use.
3.    Chemical toilet from RV stores.
4.    Water-sealed latrine.
5.    Pit latrine.
6.    Outdoor latrine trench
    a.    Locate area downwind of water sources and cooking/bedding/drinking.
    b.    Dig trench 2’ wide x 1’ deep x 4’ long.
    c.    Construct shelter around it (tarp_ since bacteria can travel 300 feet
    d.    Sprinkle with bleach/kitty litter/gel after use.
    e.    Leave area immediately so bacteria cannot travel on your person.
    f.    Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water.